AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Rockhampton - Kershaw Gardens - Citrus garrawayi in November 2022
Native plant enthusiast and Rockhampton resident Lenore Lindsay kindly sent me updated pictures of the C. garrawayi trees. They are clearly thriving again after the devastation of cyclone Marcia in 2015.
The first annotated photo, for comparison, is from my visit in 2016, taken from almost the same position as Lenore's photo below.
The remains of the original fallen trunk can be still be seen, although now partially buried.
Click any of the small photos for larger versions.
....finding Citrus garrawayi
Click these links!

Intro to Australia2016
....finding Citrus glauca
....finding Citrus australis
....finding Citrus inodora
....finding Citrus australasica
....finding Citrus gracilis part 1

....finding Citrus gracilis part 2