In April 2000, I visited the French citrus research centre in Corsica, then known as SRA (Station de Recherche Agronomique) where I had a tour of their outstanding collection of citrus varieties.
I was also shown around their laboratories where an important task was ensuring that all newly arrived varieties were propagated free from viruses and diseases. This is done by laboratory micro-propagation from the bud tip, followed eventually by growing-on in an insect-free greenhouse. Distribution of propagating material to fruit growers is then guaranteed to be from healthy stock.
The Insect-proof Greenhouse where I was shown the plants propagated from budwood I had sent to Corsica four years earlier.
Staff  of SRA INRA discussing the merits of different varieties in their citrus orchards.
I returned home with samples of several unusual citrus varieties.
Our cat, appropriately called Marmalade, was not amused.
Left to right: Poire du Commandeur
                    Pomme D'Adam
                    Cédrat Mountain - discovered in 1972 in Malaysia
                    Pummelo 'Oro Blanco'
At front:       Mandarine Geleking
More Information about the Corsican Citrus Collection
Local Corsican Speciality:
Citron Jam - Confiture Cédrat

Original Page: June 2000. Re-built December 2004 & February 2021
SRA (Station de recherche agronomique)
INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique)
CIRAD (Centre international de recherche et d’aide au développement)
CRB (Centre de Ressources Biologiques)
Part of the vast collection of field-grown citrus trees
The process from introduction of a new citrus variety to distribution for propagation can take up to ten years
The CRB Citrus Collection website